June recipe of the month – Chorizo and broad bean risotto

Filling, fully flavoured, yet light enough for a summer’s evening.

Chorizo and broad bean risotto is a bold yet light choice. The deep flavour of the chorizo complements the creaminess of the rice and the broad beans provide a freshness.

Ideal for supper on a warm June evening, maybe with a nice crisp white wine. Serve with a fresh green salad, Rocket, Sorrel, spinach and parsley, and maybe some finely chopped spring onions sprinkled over sliced tomato. A glug of dressing over the salad to complete.


1 tbsp. olive oil.

Knob of butter.

Bunch of spring onions, finely chopped.

3 rashers smoked bacon, cut into bite-sized pieces.

125g/4oz chorizo, sliced.

About 300g/11oz risotto rice.

900ml/1½pt hot chicken or veg stock.

A good large handful of freshly podded Broad beans. If no fresh available, use frozen broad beans, blanched in boiling water for 5 mins, then drained.

Parmesan or other hard/mature cheese.


A good-sized pan – a heavy frying pan is best, but a large, nonstick saucepan will work

Wooden spoon.


Pod beans, or blanched frozen beans

Prepare stock

Prepare salad – a nice big bowl with friends for them to help themselves.

Prep onions, chorizo and bacon.


Heat oil and butter in a fryingpan/saucepan.

Add bacon and cook for 2-3 mins until golden.

Add spring onions, season well and cook for 1 – 2 mins until soft.

Stir in chorizo and cook for a few mins, then tip in the rice and stir well so it absorbs all the juices.

Have hot stock to hand (simmering gently in a pan) and ladle some over rice. Stir and cook until liquid is absorbed, then repeat the process until the rice is cooked and all stock has been absorbed (this will take about 20 mins). It should have a fairly wet consistency and rice should still retain a bite.

Add the broad beans into the rice at the end of cooking to warm them and spoon the risotto onto shallow bowls or plates to serve.

A shaving or two of Parmesan or hard cheese adds an extra flavour.

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