Love The Time Of Year – Seasonal Foods Guide

A quick reference Seasonal Foods Guide and the best seasonal food each month of the year.

Seasonal foods are not just about reducing the Carbon footprint or removing air miles. That is important. No, it’s about getting back to celebrating the seasonality of foods.

Many of us like Strawberries, however, they have a season. Once upon a time, they were an annual treat as they arrived from the frames in the Somerset hills, or from the allotment – tasty and sweet as early summer. That magic is reduced when you can buy strawberries in the darkest November.

Food in season always tastes better, flavoured by the season it belongs to. I look forward to Purple Sprouting Broccolli, and I’m sure you have your favourites too.

January seasonal foods

What foods are seasonal in January?

Greens and leaves: Brussels sprouts, winter cabbage, savoy cabbage, Cauliflower, Chicory, Purple sprouting broccoli, Pak choi, Radicchio, Kale.

Roots and other vegetables: Beetroot, Celery, Celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke, Leek, Onion, Spring onion, Parsnip, Sweet potato, Maincrop potato, Swede, and Turnip.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Goose, Pork, Venison,

Fruit: Chestnut, Bramley apple, Pears.

Seafood: Cod, Crab, Mussels, Oyster.

Exotics: Banana, Clementine, Date, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Pomegranate.

Find out more about January events, activities food and nature

February seasonal foods

What foods are seasonal in February.

Greens and leaves: Brussels sprouts, winter cabbage, savoy cabbage, Cauliflower, Chicory, Purple sprouting broccoli, Pak choi, Radicchio, Kale.

Roots and other veg: Celery, Celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke, Leek, Onion, Spring onion, Parsnip, Sweet potato, Maincrop potato, Swede, Turnip.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Spring Lamb, pork, venison,

Fruit: forced rhubarb, Bramley apple and pears.

Seafood: Cod, Crab, Mussels, Oyster.

Exotics: Banana, Clementine, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Pomegranate.

Find out more about February events, activities food and nature

March seasonal foods

What foods are seasonal in March.

Greens and leaves: Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, pak choi, chicory, purple sprouting broccoli, nettles, Watercress.

Roots and other veg: celeriac, parsnip, swede, leek, onion, maincrop potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Spring Lamb.

Fruits: Bramley apple, rhubarb (forced), stored apples.

Seafood: Cod (Line Caught), Halibut, Salmon, Mussels, Oyster.

Exotics: orange, pomegranate.

Find out more about March events, activities food and nature

April seasonal foods

What foods are seasonal in April.

Greens & leaves: Cabbage, Purple sprouting broccoli, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring greens, Watercress, Lettuce.

Roots and other veg: Asparagus, Cauliflower, Celeriac, New potatoes, maincrop potato, Onion, Spring onion, Radish.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Spring lamb, Pork.

Fruits: Rhubarb, Stored apples.

Seafood: Cod, Crab, Halibut, Oyster, Salmon.

Exotics: Grapefruit, Pomegranate.

Find out more about April events, activities food and nature

May seasonal foods

What foods are seasonal in May.

Greens & leaves: Cabbage, Pak choi, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring greens, Radicchio, Watercress, Lettuce Lamb’s, lettuce, Chervil, Mint.

Roots and other veg: New potatoes, Potato, Onion, Spring onion, asparagus, Peas, Radish, Broad Beans.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Spring lamb.

Fruits: Rhubarb.

Seafood: Crab, Halibut, Salmon, Kipper, Mackerel, Tuna.

Exotics: Grapefruit, Pomegranate, Nectarine.

Find out more about May events, activities food and nature

June seasonal foods

What is seasonal in June.

Greens and leaves: Cabbage, Pak choi, Radicchio, Sorrel, Spinach, Spring greens, Watercress, Lettuce, Chervil, Lamb’s lettuce, Mint.

Roots and other veg: New potatoes, Onion, Pepper, Spring onion, Peas, Radish, Carrot, Courgette, Courgette flower, Fennel bulb, Globe artichoke, Mangetout, Tomato.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork.

Fruits: Rhubarb, Blackcurrants, Gooseberry, Strawberry.

Seafood: Crab, Halibut, Salmon, Kipper, Mackerel, Tuna.

Exotics: Pomegranate, Nectarine.

Find out more about June events, activities food and nature

July seasonal Foods

What foods are seasonal in July.

Greens and leaves:  Basil, Chervil, Cavolo nero, Cabbage, Lamb’s lettuce, Lettuce, Mint, Pak choi, Radicchio, Samphire, Sorrel, Spinach, Swiss chard, Watercress.

Roots and other veg: Aubergine, Beetroot, Broad bean, Carrot, Courgette, Courgette flower, Fennel bulb, Garlic, Globe artichoke Onion, Spring onion, Mangetout, Pepper, Potato, New potatoes, Peas, Radish, Runner bean, Tomato.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Pork.

Fruits: Blackcurrants, Cherry, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Redcurrant, Strawberry, Tayberry.

Seafood: Crab, Halibut, Salmon, Kipper, Mackerel, Tuna.

Exotics: Banana, Pomegranate, Nectarine, Watermelon.

Find out more about July events, activities food and nature

August seasonal Foods

What foods are seasonal in August.

Greens and leaves: Basil, Broccoli, Chervil, Cavolo nero, Cabbage, Lamb’s lettuce, Lettuce, Mint, Pak choi, Radicchio, Samphire, Sorrel, Spinach, Swiss chard, Watercress.

Roots and other veg:  Aubergine, Beetroot, Broad bean, Carrot, Celery, Courgette, Courgette flower, Fennel bulb, Garlic, Globe artichoke, Kohlrabi, Onion, Spring onion, Mangetout, Marrow, Pepper, Potato, Peas, Radish, Runner bean, Tomato.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Grouse, Guinea fowl, Lamb, Pork.

Fruits: crab apple, Blackberry, Gooseberry, Loganberry, Raspberry, Redcurrant, Strawberry, Tayberry.

Seafood: Crab, Halibut, Salmon, Kipper, Mackerel, Tuna.

Exotics: Banana, Fig, Peach, Pomegranate, Nectarine, Watermelon.

Find out more about August events, activities food and nature

September seasonal Foods

What foods are seasonal in September?

Greens and leaves: Cabbage, Cavolo nero, Chervil, Lettuce, Mint, Pak choi, Radicchio, Sorrel, Spinach, Watercress.

Roots and other veg: Aubergine, Beetroot, Broad bean, Broccoli, Carrot, Celery, Celeriac, Courgette, Fennel bulb, Garlic, Globe artichoke, Kohlrabi, Lamb’s lettuce, Leek, Marrow, Onion, Parsnip, Spring onion, Peas, Pepper, Radish, Runner bean, Sweetcorn, Swiss chard, Tomato, Tuna

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Grouse, Goose, Guinea Fowl, Lamb, Pork

Fruit: Blackberry, Damson, Elderberries, Gooseberry, Loganberry, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Redcurrant, Strawberry.

Seafood: Crab, Halibut, Salmon, Kipper, Mackerel, Oyster.

Exotics: Banana, Fig, Nectarine, Peach, Pomegranate.

Find out more about September events, activities food and nature

October seasonal Foods

What foods are seasonal in October.

Greens and leaves: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cavolo nero, Kohlrabi, Kale, Lamb’s lettuce, Lettuce, Pak choi, Radicchio, Salsify, Swiss chard.

Roots and other veg: Aubergine, Beetroot, Celery, Celeriac, Garlic, Globe artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, Leek, Onion, Parsnip, Peas, Pepper, Pumpkin, Quince, Radish, Runner bean, Spring onion, Swede, Sweet potato, Tomato, Turnip.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Duck, Grouse, Goose, Guinea fowl, Lamb, Pork, Venison.

Fruit: Blackberry, Chestnut, Cranberry, Elderberries, Pear, Plum,

Seafood: Crab, Mackerel, Mussels, Oyster.

Find out more about October events, activities food and nature

November Seasonal Foods

Find out more about November events, activities food and nature

December seasonal Foods

What foods are seasonal in December.

Greens and leaves: Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Lettuce, Pak choi, Radicchio, Salsify.

Roots and other veg: Beetroot, Celery, Celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke, Leek, Onion, Parsnip, Pumpkin, Quince, Spring onion, Swede, Sweet potato, Turnip.

Meat: Beef, Chicken, Duck, Grouse, Goose, Lamb, Pork, Venison.

Fruit: Bramley Apple, Chestnut, Cranberry, Pear.

Seafood: Mussels, Oyster.

Exotics: Banana, Clementine, Date, Grapefruit, Pomegranate.

Find out more about December events, activities food and nature

Further reading

Also, check out the blogs and articles on Food and Seasonal Recipies