Want to try to write something? Passionate, or got something to say?
This might be the place for you. Read on.
We are looking for people that would like an opportunity to write for this site. Anything from regular features to irregular features, one-off articles, or a sub-section of this site. Any subject you like and know something about: it can be a personal piece or a professional piece, it can be factual or emotional, technical or literary.
You can either email the copy (in any text format) and we will edit and publish (feel free to include photographs – either your own, or others with suitable accreditation), through to having your own login as a contributing editor.
Any subject – so long as it’s vaguely to do with the seasons, being outdoors, nature, crafts, Gardening through horticulture to farming, etc.
Still not sure – drop us a line and have a chat.
Go on – Contact us.
All contributions fully acredited and full profile page available.
Subjects could be on or something else): archeology, fishing, walking, farming, country crafts, bee keeping, ale brewing, gardening.
History, geology, geography, cookery, keeping chickens, no-till farming, keeping livestock, hydrology, ecology, mindfulness, hiking, rural living, thatching, cider, recipes, heritage, wood crafts, bushcraft, seasonal foods, or anything in-between.
Have a think – drop us a line.
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